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Dam Levels

  1. Sydney: Dam Levels

    dam level graph

    Sydney dam locations

    Last Updated: 10 Mar
    Click on a dam to see detailed graph
    Storage Capacity.(ML) Level
    Sydney 2404900 94.4%
    Warragamba 1959414 96.7%
    Avon 131201 89.4%
    Cataract 80519 82.9%
    Cordeaux 72952 77.9%
    Woronora 66488 92.6%
    Nepean 58182 85.9%
    Tallowa 8046 107.3%
    Wingecarribee 18680 77.4%
    Fitzroy Falls 6830 68.6%
    Blue Mountains 2588 89.6%