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Local Weather
Latrobe Valley (38.2094°S, 146.475°E, 55m AMSL) set as my default location ›
Latrobe Valley Local Weather
38.21°S, 146.48°ENow in Latrobe Valley
Updated at 02:00 EDT17.7 °C
Feels like 19.1 °CDew Point14.4 °CGusts0km/hRelative Humidity81%Pressure1021.3hPaWindN 0km/hRainfall0.0mm
Latrobe Valley Wednesday Forecast
Mostly cloudy11 °C24 °CLatrobe Valley for WednesdayCloudy. The chance of morning fog. Slight chance of a shower in the E, near zero chance elsewhere. Light winds becoming S/SW 15 to 20 km/h in the early afternoon then becoming light in the evening. Overnight temperatures falling to around 12 with daytime temperatures reaching the low to mid 20s.Fire DangerModerate
7 day forecast
Today: Cloudy. The chance of morning fog. Slight chance of a shower in the E, near zero chance elsewhere. Light winds becoming S/SW 15 to 20 km/h in the early afternoon then becoming light in the evening. Overnight temperatures falling to around 12 with daytime temperatures reaching the low to mid 20s.
Forecast for Latrobe Valley (38.2094°S, 146.475°E, 55m AMSL) Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Summary Minimum 11° 9° 13° 14° 15° 13° 11° Maximum 24° 24° 28° 28° 22° 22° 23° Chance of rain 10% 20% 40% 80% 60% 90% 80% Likely amount < 1mm < 1mm 1-5mm 5-10mm 10-20mm 1-5mm 1-5mm UV index High High High High High High High Fire Danger Rating Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate No Rating - - Frost risk Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm Wind speed 6
(km/h)Wind direction WSW SW SSE E E ENE W WSW SE SE SSE SE ESE S Relative humidity 91% 57% 90% 55% 91% 52% 91% 56% 91% 74% 87% 62% 94% 63% Dew point 13°C 14°C 11°C 13°C 14°C 16°C 16°C 17°C 17°C 16°C 14°C 13°C 14°C 14°C -
Sunrise and sunset times
Sunrise / Sunset for Latrobe Valley (38.2094°S, 146.475°E, 55m AMSL) First light Sunrise Sunset Last light Moon rise Moon set Moon phase New moon First quarter Full moon Last quarter 6:56am EDT 7:22am EDT 7:18pm EDT 7:44pm EDT 3:05am EDT 5:35pm EDT Waning crescent
New moon Mar 29 First quarter Apr 05 Full moon Apr 13 Last quarter Apr 21 -
Tides graph
There is no current data for Latrobe Valley
Latrobe Valley Past 5 Days
This MonthMinimum Maximum Rainfall Friday
Mar 2114.1 °C 17.4 °C 23.6 mmSaturday
Mar 228.7 °C 23.2 °C 0.0 mmSunday
Mar 237.3 °C 23.9 °C 0.0 mmMonday
Mar 2411.7 °C 23.4 °C 0.0 mmTuesday
Mar 258.9 °C 23.0 °C 0.0 mmLegend -
Latrobe Valley minimum temp history (38.2094°S, 146.475°E, 55m AMSL) MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE MINIMUM TEMPERATURE Hottest this month 35.4° 05/03/2025 Coldest this month 4.1° 18/03/2025 Hottest on record 40.4 16/03/2008 Coldest on record 1.9 24/03/2000 Hottest this year 40.0° 05/01/2025 Coldest this year 4.1° 18/03/2025 Long term average 24.5° Long term average 11.4° Average this month 27.1° Average this month 12.5° Hottest March On Record Avg. max. temp. 27.5° 2017 Coldest March on record Avg. min. temp. 9.7° 2015 Latrobe Valley rainfall history (38.2094°S, 146.475°E, 55m AMSL) RAINFALL Wettest This Month 23.6mm 21/03/2025 Total This Month 49.4mm
7.0 daysLong Term Average 47.4mm 11.3 days Wettest March on record 125.0mm 1989 Driest on record 8.8mm 1986 -
Latrobe Valley Year To Date
Average Rainfall To Mar 140.4mm 29.5 day(s) Total For 2025 154.0mm 24.0 day(s) Total To This Day 2024 88.8mm 18.0 day(s) Wettest Day 49.8mm Jan12 Lowest Temperature 4.1°C Mar18 Highest Temperature 40.0°C Jan 5