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Local Weather
Collie (33.3599°S, 116.1526°E, 182m AMSL) set as my default location ›
Collie Local Weather
33.36°S, 116.15°ENow in Collie
Updated at 23:40 WST21.0 °C
Feels like 19.1 °CDew Point8.0 °CGusts11km/hRelative Humidity43%Pressure WindSE 7km/hRainfall0.0mm
Collie Sunday Forecast
Mostly sunny14 °C38 °CCollie for SundaySunny. Winds E/SE 20 to 30 km/h. Overnight temperatures falling to around 14 with daytime temperatures reaching 30 to 38.Fire DangerHigh
7 day forecast
Today: Sunny. Winds E/SE 20 to 30 km/h. Overnight temperatures falling to around 14 with daytime temperatures reaching 30 to 38.
Forecast for Collie (33.3599°S, 116.1526°E, 182m AMSL) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Summary Minimum 14° 20° 15° 10° 8° 7° 9° Maximum 38° 41° 30° 22° 22° 26° 28° Chance of rain 5% 40% 5% 10% 20% 5% 5% Likely amount < 1mm < 1mm < 1mm < 1mm < 1mm < 1mm < 1mm UV index Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Fire Danger Rating High High High High - - - Frost risk Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm Wind speed 15
(km/h)Wind direction E ESE NE WNW S S SSW WSW SSW SW SW WSW ESE SW Relative humidity 44% 18% 20% 15% 62% 34% 56% 40% 50% 33% 59% 35% 54% 26% Dew point 11°C 9°C 8°C 9°C 13°C 12°C 8°C 7°C 6°C 5°C 9°C 9°C 10°C 7°C -
Sunrise and sunset times
Sunrise / Sunset for Collie (33.3599°S, 116.1526°E, 182m AMSL) First light Sunrise Sunset Last light Moon rise Moon set Moon phase Last quarter New moon First quarter Full moon 4:34am WST 5:03am WST 7:25pm WST 7:54pm WST 11:33am WST Waning gibbous Last quarter Dec 23 New moon Dec 31 First quarter Jan 07 Full moon Jan 14 -
Tides graph
There is no current data for Collie
Collie Past 5 Days
This MonthMinimum Maximum Rainfall Tuesday
Dec 1710.2 °C 33.9 °C 0.0 mmWednesday
Dec 1812.0 °C 34.2 °C 0.0 mmThursday
Dec 1912.9 °C 30.2 °C 0.0 mmFriday
Dec 2012.8 °C 33.5 °C 0.0 mmSaturday
Dec 2113.6 °C 35.4 °C 0.0 mmLegend -
Collie minimum temp history (33.3599°S, 116.1526°E, 182m AMSL) MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE MINIMUM TEMPERATURE Hottest this month 37.7° 11/12/2024 Coldest this month 9.3° 06/12/2024 Hottest on record 40.7 26/12/2007 Coldest on record 2.6 09/12/2006 Hottest this year 42.4° 01/02/2024 Coldest this year -0.8° 03/07/2024 Long term average 28.9° Long term average 11.5° Average this month 29.6° Average this month 13.4° Hottest December On Record Avg. max. temp. 30.5° 2009 Coldest December on record Avg. min. temp. 9.3° 2005 Collie rainfall history (33.3599°S, 116.1526°E, 182m AMSL) RAINFALL Wettest This Month 1.8mm 02/12/2024 Total This Month 4.0mm
3.0 daysLong Term Average 18.7mm 5.0 days Wettest December on record 155.0mm 2012 Driest on record 0.6mm 2013 -
Collie Year To Date
Average Rainfall To Dec 700.1mm 126.3 day(s) Total For 2024 548.4mm 87.0 day(s) Total To This Day 2023 459.8mm 99.0 day(s) Wettest Day 40.0mm Jul23 Lowest Temperature -0.8°C Jul 3 Highest Temperature 42.4°C Feb 1