Flood Watch For The Nsw Northern Rivers And Mid North Coast
3 MARCH 2025 13:53 EDT
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, New South Wales
This Flood Watch provides early advice of possible flooding within the specified catchments.
Flood Watch For The Nsw Northern Rivers And Mid North Coast
Issued at 01:53 PM EDT on Monday 03 March 2025
Flood Watch Number: 2
Rainfall associated with Tropical Cyclone Alfred may cause rapid river rises and extensive flooding along NSW coastal rivers from the Queensland Border to Port Macquarie starting on Thursday and continuing through the weekend.
The location of the heaviest rainfall and most severe flooding will depend on the track of Tropical Cyclone Alfred. Heavy and locally intense rainfall is forecast from Wednesday into the weekend over Northern NSW. The heaviest rainfall will be south of the Tropical Cyclone track.
Coastal catchments in the Flood Watch area are average to dry.
Moderate to major flooding may develop from Thursday in the Flood Watch area. Flash flooding is possible. High tides and large waves are expected to increase the flood risk and impacts in low lying coastal areas. Areas at risk will continue to be revised during the coming days.
Flood Classes (minor, moderate, major) are only defined for catchments where the Bureau provides a flood warning service.
Catchments likely to be affected include:
Tweed and Rous Rivers
Brunswick River and Marshalls Creek
Wilsons River
Richmond River
Clarence River
Orara River
Coffs Coast
Bellinger and Kalang Rivers
Nambucca River
Macleay River
Hastings River
Camden Haven River
For the latest flood and weather warnings see www.bom.gov.au/nsw/warnings/
For the latest rainfall and weather forecasts see www.bom.gov.au/australia/meteye/
For the latest rainfall and river level information see www.bom.gov.au/nsw/flood
Flood Safety Advice:
FloodSafe advice is available at www.ses.nsw.gov.au
For emergency assistance call the SES on telephone number 132 500
For life threatening emergencies, call 000 immediately
This Flood Watch means that people living or working along rivers and streams must monitor the latest weather forecasts and warnings and be ready to move to higher ground should flooding develop.
Flood Warnings will be issued if Minor Flood Level is expected to be exceeded at key sites along the main rivers for which the Bureau of Meteorology provides a flood warning service.
Severe Weather Warnings will be issued or updated if very heavy rain is forecast or observed.
For more information on the Flood Watch Service: http://www.bom.gov.au/water/floods/floodWarningServices.shtml}
Next issue:
The next Flood Watch will be issued by 02:00 pm EDT on Tuesday 04 March 2025.