Major Flood Warning For The Nambucca River
6 MARCH 2025 16:45 EDT
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, New South Wales
Major Flood Warning For The Nambucca River
Issued at 04:45 PM EDT on Thursday 06 March 2025
Flood Warning Number: 2
Heavy rainfall associated with Tropical Cyclone Alfred has been recorded across the Nambucca River catchment since Wednesday morning and is expected to intensify from Thursday night into Friday. Forecast heavy to intense rainfall has the potential to cause dangerous and rapid river level rises along the Nambucca River catchment in the coming days.
Major flooding is possible along the Nambucca River at Bowraville from Friday morning with forecast rainfall, and further rises are possible over the next several days. Downstream, moderate flooding is possible at Macksville from late Friday morning.
A Flood Watch is current for the Northern Rivers and northern Mid North Coast Catchments.
A Tropical Cyclone Advice, Severe Weather Warning and Coastal Hazards Warning are current for NSW including the Nambucca River catchment.
This situation is being closely monitored and warnings will be updated as necessary.
Nambucca River:
Major flooding may occur along the Nambucca River.
The Nambucca River at Bowraville (Lanes Bridge) is currently at 2.03 metres and rising, below the minor flood level (5.50 metres).
The Nambucca River at Bowraville (Lanes Bridge) is likely to exceed the minor flood level (5.50 m) overnight Thursday and moderate flood level (5.80 m) early Friday morning. The river level may reach the major flood level (10.10 m) late Friday morning. Further rises are possible with forecast rainfall.
The Nambucca River at Macksville - Princess Street is currently at 0.65 metres and steady with the tide, below the minor flood level (1.70 metres).
The Nambucca River at Macksville - Princess Street may reach the moderate flood level (2.10 m) late Friday morning. Further rises are possible with forecast rainfall.
Flood Safety Advice:
In life threatening emergencies, call 000 (triple zero) immediately. If you require rescue, assistance to evacuate or other emergency help, ring NSW SES on 132 500.
* Avoid drowning. Stay out of rising water, seek refuge in the highest available place.
* Prevent damage to your vehicle. Move it under cover, away from areas likely to flood.
* Avoid being swept away. Stay out of fast-flowing creeks and storm drains.
* Never drive, ride or walk through flood water. Flood water can be deceptive and dangerous.}
For more emergency information, advice, and access to the latest river heights and rainfall observations and forecasts:
* RMS Live Traffic:
* Latest River Heights and Rainfall Observations:
* Latest NSW Warnings:
* Rainfall Forecasts:
* BOM NSW Twitter:
Next issue:
The next warning will be issued by 12:00 am EDT on Friday 07 March 2025.
Latest River Heights:
Nambucca River at Bowraville Upstream,0.92,Steady,04:15 PM THU 06/03/25
Nambucca River at Bowraville (Lanes Bridge),2.03,Steady,04:17 PM THU 06/03/25
Taylors Arm at Utungun,0.81,Rising,04:00 PM THU 06/03/25
Nambucca River at Macksville-Princess Street,0.65,Steady,04:00 PM THU 06/03/25
This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at